B. Ed.

Introduction – Department of Teacher Education

Education plays an important role in building up the views and personality of persons in a society. In this way educational institutions are of great importance in the process of nation building. Teachers being the pivot of educational institutions provide the key to the educational system and the whole process of education revolves around them. Students identify their teachers as an ideal for their life and also imitate them. Teachers are the role model for them. Having this view about teachers’ importance in the society.

The Department of Teacher Education of Bareilly College, Bareilly is currently running two Teacher Education Programmes-B.Ed. & M.Ed.

The Department of B. Ed. of Bareilly College, Bareilly has been involved in preparing responsible teachers since 1956-57 under Grant –in –aid scheme. After its establishment, the Department of B. Ed has been a premier institution of the Rohilkhand Region, doing great service by preparing and providing good teachers to the society.